Joint Reconstruction Group, Chennai

1. What are the symptoms of knee arthritis?

The most common symptoms of knee arthritis are:

  • Pain with activities.
  • Limited range of motion.
  • Stiffness of the knee.
  • Swelling of the joint.
  • Deformity of the joint with long standing arthritis.

2. Can arthritis be cured?

Age related osteoarhritis of the knee is an irreversible occurrence as the damage to the cartilage is permanent. However the progress of the disease can be controlled with various treatment modalities available.

3. How common is knee replacement surgery?

Knee replacement is a routine surgery performed on over 600,000 people Worldwide each year. More than two third of them are women.

4. At what age do people require knee replacement surgery?

The average knee joint replacement patient is around 65-70 years old; however patients of all ages have received knee implants.

5. How long do I need to stay in hospital?

Most patients can go home within 5to 7 days after the operation.

6. When can I stand up after a knee replacement?

You can do so within 24 - 48 hrs after the operation.

7. For how long will I have to use a walker?

You may need a walker for about 15 days and a cane or crutches for another fortnight. Then you can walk without any aids.

8. When can I return to normal activities?

Most patients return to work six to eight weeks after surgery.

9. Should I do physiotherapy after the surgery?

A total knee replacement rehabilitation program is begun after the surgery.
To help regain strength, balance and range of movement in your knee, a specifically designed rehabilitation programmer is started when you are back in the hospital room. The physical therapist will help you perform appropriate exercises. Within the next 24 hours, you will probably begin to walk a few steps with the help of a walker. You can expect to stay in the hospital for about five to six days after your surgery. At home, you will need to continue your exercises.

10. Should I take any precautions after the surgery?

Here is a list of things to be avoided after the surgery. The surgeon and the physical therapist will guide you in details about what you should or should not do.

  • Avoid heavy lifting and excessive stair climbing.
  • Avoid "impact loading" sports such as jogging, downhill skiing and high impact aerobics, twisting or impact stresses.
  • Consult your surgeon before beginning any new sport or activity.
  • Do not lift or push heavy objects.
  • Avoid low seating surfaces and chairs.

11. Can I do both knee replacements simultaneously?

If you are young & fit, then both knees can be done in one sitting( Bilateral simultaneous TKR). Other wise the second knee can be done after a few days or months after the first knee and you have had time to recuperate.

12. Should I inform my dental surgeon about my new implant?

Total joint replacement is an immuno compromised area in your body. Your immune system and white blood cells have a difficult time clearing bacteria from joint replacements. Therefore, it is best to avoid and reduce the risk of any possible infection. To do this, it is commonly recommended that for dental procedures, particularly those involving a dental abscess, and for other procedures that are at risk for putting bacteria into the blood stream, that a patient be given antibiotics around the time of these procedures. The greatest risk for infection to occur after these procedures is within the first two years. After that time, there is a risk of infection with these procedures but it is significantly reduced.

Online Knee school

The aims of the knee school are:

To educate and spread awareness among the people about common knee pain and related ailments.

To counsel patients on knee care and the managenent of knee pain.

To enlighten the patients with knee problems on the possibilities of help and treatment options available.

To help patients understand the knee joint replacement procedure in detail.

To organise seminars, public lectures, scientific workshops and interactive meetings with the intention of delaying the onset of osteoarthritis related problems in the knee.

Who should join the knee school?

Any body who has had knee pain or is having knee pain can register here.

Any body who wants to know about knee pain and who wants to delay the age related onset of osteoarthritis of the knee joint can join.

To receive information on the events conducted or articles by the knee school register here.